Do you still get stressed out thinking about the winter of 2015 when everyone lost their electricity? Do you have elderly people, children or others living in your home whose health would be compromised if your electricity was lost for an extended period? Do you consider camping or "roughing it" a form of torture? If so, you may want to think about getting a generator. You want to make sure you do your homework when choosing the generator that is right for you. You will want to consider what appliances and lighting you want to run off of the generator and whether you want the generator to kick on automatically. This article does a great job of outlining other things to factor into which generator is right for you. If you are contemplating getting a generator, we are experts in installing them!! Please give us a call at (781) 857-0485 for a free estimate!!…/choosing-the-best-…/view-all…/choosing-the-best-…/view-all